Happiness & Success

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These have the greatest effect on our health, on our happiness and also on our bank accounts.
There have always been a few important principles that account for most of the progress that we make in our lives.
These have the greatest effect on our health, on our happiness and also on our bank accounts.
The idea is to begin your search by focusing upon these important principles which you can examine and re-examine all your life and all your actions. Because it is few among the many that’ll account for the bigger share of the results that you will ever achieve.
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The conversation about how to have more success and happiness has always been one of the most sought after, but most elusive conversation in personal development.
But as Sidharth Rajsekar, my mentor says: there’s always been just a few important principles that account for most of the progress that we make in our lives.
So, it’s these basics that have the greatest effect on our health, on our happiness and also on our bank accounts.
But this does not go to suggest that there are only a few life changing ideas that would affect us, because for sure there would be many of these ideas.
But what we suggest is however, that you can begin your search by focusing upon a few fundamentals, my three or four or five which you can examine and re-examine all your life and all your actions.
Because it is few among the many that’ll account for the bigger share of the results that you will ever achieve.
The fact is guys you’ll never be able to master every aspect of life.
To try to become the master of every detail of your life will only lead you to frustration, anger and a sense of incompletion.
Instead, what he suggests is why not go after these few basic fundamentals.
Just imagine as you are looking around your world for answers to have the best kind of life possible.
Because it is these few that’ll make the most difference; the fundamental subjects that’ll have the greatest impact in determining what the quality of your existence would be.
Imagine what would happen if you’d always be in search of these few fundamental basic things that make the most difference in your life.
Observe today, because if you master these basics, it’s a sure shot given that you’ll never be disappointed with the results.
So, in a nutshell, it’s these basics that we need to master and it’s these same keys to success and happiness that have existed for eons of years in human history.
There are no new fundamentals ever, ever for humankind.
The basics that we are talking about are absolute basics, the absolute fundamentals, that anything else is merely an activity that is designed to either refined or expanded upon those same principles.
Do your principles, do your basics really endure? Are they the best indicator of validity, Indicator of value? That’s why I urge people to take a closer look at these principles, examine them and see whether they are guiding the lives of those who have done well with lives challenges, with lives opportunities.
How have those people succeeded by applying those basic fundamentals in their lives?
Because as many people claim, nobody has the final, or you can say the unchallenged answer for finding the best life.
No one has. because though there are a lot of people out there who claim to know the key to success the ultimate answer to success, the fact is, there can never be a single answer to living a good life, because there’ll never be.
If we give each of the basics that we are trying to follow about equal attention and also time to nurture these basics, time to live these basics, every single day with every action that we take, then you are certain to be happy with the results that you get in your life.
December 09, 2024